November 2022

How Often to Replace Cat Bed

How Often to Replace Cat Bed

Replace your kitty beddings annually, as they can become contaminated with filth, pollens, dust mites, germs, pathogens, lipids, and skin cell debris.
If your pocket does not permit yearly replacement, ensure you change your cat’s bed the latest once in two years.
If feasible, get a bed with replaceable clothing to clean it periodically. Cover the bed with a soft blanket that can be removed and cleaned frequently.
If you want to avoid having to replace a cat bed too frequently but still want a pet cat to dwell in a clean environment, you should get in a bed that is simple to clean.

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What Does It Mean When a Cat Wags Its Tails?

What Does It Mean When a Cat Wags Its Tails?

The various meanings of a cat’s moving tail include enthusiasm, unease, disapproval, and pain. Cats occasionally spin their tails to show discomfort and displeasure. However, it is the other way around in dogs as these canine families wag their tails affectionately. Since dogs are more frequently seen in public than cats, I’m confident you have

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Why Cat Claws

All felines, including indoor cats require claws for balance, mobility, protection, grooming, and grabbing objects and prey. Being a cat naturally involves having claws and scratching. Even declawed cats scratch, demonstrating that innate behavior cannot be unlearned or surgically erased by declawing. The cat’s claws are curved, which makes it easy for them to climb

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