Cat Health & Safety

What Is a Cat’s Intelligence Level?

Cats are among the most brilliant animals and top-rated on the intelligence list. but their intelligence has long proved tough to quantify. Cats tend to do their own thing in an experimental situation or find it too unpleasant to behave naturally, making it challenging to measure feline intellect objectively. You’ll also agree with me that

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When Cat Bites You

Cats bite for various reasons: from overstimulation to display of affection. The cats may be teething if they’re babies. They may also be depressed, terrified, furious or unwell. Cat biting incidences are common among experienced cat parents. If you’re new to this, it’s good to be aware that your four-legged furry friend can, sometimes, give

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Why Cats Kill Rats

Cats kill rats for a variety of reasons. Cats switch to playful mode at the sight of rats within their territory. Cats’ desire to hunt rats has nothing to do with hunger because cats hunt for fun instinctively. Do Cats Kill or Eat Rats? Cats are excellent hunters and small rodent killers, but they rarely

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Will Cat Food Hurt a Dog?

A small amount of cat food, consumed occasionally, is not hazardous to dogs. Still, it may produce gastrointestinal discomfort (diarrhoea, flatulence, or vomiting) or even allergic reactions in dogs, especially when consumed in large quantities. It should resolve on its own quite fast. If your diarrhoea or vomiting lasts more than 24 hours, you should

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