What Does It Mean When a Cat Wags Its Tails?

What Does It Mean When a Cat Wags Its Tails?

The various meanings of a cat’s moving tail include enthusiasm, unease, disapproval, and pain.

Cats occasionally spin their tails to show discomfort and displeasure.

However, it is the other way around in dogs as these canine families wag their tails affectionately. Since dogs are more frequently seen in public than cats, I’m confident you have witnessed a dog wag its tail multiple times to express itself.

Real Reasons For Cat Wagging Tail

From experience, you can use a cat’s tail to understand its message by observing the direction and pace of its tail and the remainder of its body.

Because of their ambiguous nature and insatiable curiosity, cats and kittens frequently send conflicting signals with their tail movements.

Cats utilize their tails in various expressive ways, so understanding the different wags and what they signify is vital.

You might occasionally wonder what it signifies or what your cat is saying when it wags its tail because cats utilize it to transmit a wide range of emotions and purposes.

How Do Cats Wag Tail

Because a cat’s tail comprises several muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves that provide a full range of motion over its tail, cats can deliberately or involuntarily control their tail.

Therefore, Kitties use tail movements to narrate their moods and wishes.

Body language and gestures convey messages more accurately than words can because voice manipulations overpower spoken words.  In the same way, we interpret bodily cues and changes in organ function to decipher human communication.

The body language of your feline friend can also be observed to ascertain how they feel about specific interactions and to pinpoint the circumstances or surroundings that either make them pleased or fearful.

Cats’ tail language might also make it easier for you to spot disease and distress.

Cats communicate by moving their tails and using their eyes, ears, and body positions.

Although it might be challenging to distinguish the small emotional variations in different tail motions, learning diverse cat swishing tail patterns and their meanings will help you comprehend what is going through your cats’ minds.

Understanding cat tail language can also help you get to know your cat better and will be better for both of you.

What Different Cat Tail Wags Mean

Cats communicate using their tails, just like dogs do. Cats prefer to hide their feelings considerably more than most canine families; thus, cat tail wagging is much more difficult than dog tail wagging.

Dogs are more expressive than cats. We should be grateful that domestication stopped cats from becoming lonely species.

In cat language, different cat tail wags signify quite different things. Each wiggle, shake, and wag communicates how it feels, what it needs, and what will happen next.

It would help if you considered ongoing activities, the environment, and the cat’s overall body gesture when interpreting the motions of a cat’s tail.

Cat Wagging Tail Sick

When a cat wags its tail downward, it may be trying to show that it lacks strength since it lacks the stamina to hold it up. The downward tail direction suggests that the cat may be getting sick or hurt.

A cat’s tail moving downwards may also indicate that it is in pain or ill.

A cat’s general appearance, energy level, friendliness, coat quality and amount of shedding, appetite, and litterbox can all alter.

There is a significant possibility that your cat is angry or afraid if it is rigidly wagging its tail back and forth. Then, it would help if you safeguarded the cat from predators and other animals that could pose a hazard.

Cat Wags Tail When Resting

It’s typical to see your cat wag its tail when it’s sleeping and you pat or talk to it, contrary to popular belief that cats only do this when they’re upset.

However, cats may express a wide range of emotions, from contentment to irritation, through the position and movement of their tails.

As a cat parent concerned about the pet’s well-being, I have noticed over time that cats utilize tails to communicate their trust and confidence in the people around them.

Felines also use their tails to let humans know that the cats are safe and comfortable dozing off, even in the cat’s parent’s presence.

The sleep twitch is the term used to describe a cat’s tail wagging while it is sleeping.

While sleeping, almost all cats communicate with their tails; however, you might notice that certain more sociable breeds are more likely to do so than others.

As previously mentioned, you don’t interpret a cat’s tail movement in isolation because you are also aware of other things in the environment.

When a cat is dozing off and starts flicking its tail, it can be due to anything amusing it heard, smelt saw, or thought.

Cat Wagging Tail But Happy

When your cat wags its tail, and the tip of the tail is slightly curved, you can see how happy it is. The cat’s tail wags softly and slowly. It’s a subtly sent message that it’s content and contented.

When this occurs, feel pleased to be a cat owner since it shows you two have a special connection.

Why Does My Cat Wag His Tail When I Pet Him

You can typically tell how your cat feels by focusing on its tail’s direction and pace and twisting it.

A cat feels more stimulated when given gifts and goodies, such as food and toys.

Allowing you to touch their tails demonstrates how comfortable and at ease they feel around you because cats regard their tails highly and are very aware of and protective of them.

Cat Wagging Tail Hunting

Cats also wag their tails when on the hunt. This gesture can occasionally appear like a vigorous swish or even a constant pounding.

Feline frequently experiences this when viewing birds from the window and concentrates on her target.

In such situations, cats even attempt to chirp like birds to unleash their predatory nature on the prey. When trying to pounce on its target in such situations, the tail is used for balancing.

Cat Wags Tail When I Call His Name

It’s probable that your cat feels comfortable and trusted with you if you call its name or speak to it when it is lounging about, and you see its tail moving gently.

When you speak to your feline companion, the tail joins in, using additional body language to indicate its love for you, like eye blinking, tip-toeing, and ear movements.

When you call your cat’s name, its tail moves to convey its happy and contented mood.

Cat Wags Tail When Spoken To

You might have experienced your kitty wagging its tail when you address.

Your cat will acknowledge you by flickering or wagging its tail after you speak to it, showing that they are content and secure. The cat is glad and excited to be with you when the tail is wagging or vibrating quickly.

Cat Wags Tail When Eating

Due to its complementary character, this gesture in cats is particularly endearing. The best outcome you can hope for is to have your cat happy and content with your care, which requires a lot of resources and effort.

When the tail swishes slowly from side to side, the cat focuses on something like a toy, a treat, or a playmate.

A playful pounce frequently precedes a swishing tail. But take care! A swishing tail might also be a precursor to becoming irritable.

Cat Wagging Tail And Biting

When a cat bites and spins its tail after that,  it shows that your cat is bothered by something. This behavior results in greater separation.

In other words, your cat is telling you to stop caressing them if they start thrashing their tail while you are doing so.

If you don’t, the hissing, growling, swatting, or biting could follow the thrashing tail.

Cat Wags Tail When Purring

Your cat feels comfortable if it is wiggling its tail as you touch them or if it recognizes you by moving its tail slightly. Such comfort indicates that you can continue to pet your cherished cat and show them that you care.

When you pat your cat and see that they are purring along with you, it simply signifies that they are comfortable.

The fact that your pet is wagging its tail and purring suggests that the cat is content with you and feels safe and secure.

If you see this behavior, don’t stop what you’re doing because your cat is very happy and responds enthusiastically to affection.

Cat Wags Tail Like Dog When Happy

The tip of a cat’s tail occasionally does curl slightly and may even twitch or wag softly. Dogs don’t wag their tails with the same exuberance, but this is a more subdued manner to convey happiness and contentment.

Cat Wags Tail When Relaxed

When a cat is lying down or feeling at ease, wagging its tail may signal that it is getting too stimulated.

Even though such a position is not unusual, it can be perplexing when cats wag or thump their tails when unwinding.

The cat may flick its tail a little after you pet it if it is comfortably sitting or even lying down.

Giving your cat space at that time is the best thing you can do.

Cat Wagging Tail Angry

You observe your cat wagging its tail, thrashing it around, or banging it on the floor to show its unhappiness.

This display frequently denotes that the cat is irritated, annoyed, or angry or is trying to signal that something is wrong.

When your cat shakes its tail or bangs it against the ground, you know something is upsetting them.

This behavior results in greater separation.

Cat Wagging Tail Rapidly

The nicest tail movement is when your cat quivers, which indicates that the animal is visibly happy to see a parent or a loved one.

Your cat will come up to you with its tail held high in the air, and the tip will make a small quivering movement, much like a rattlesnake does.

When a cat is very agitated, such as when they see its human after a long absence or another cat, its tail will quiver like a shiver running down its spine.

Cats frequently do it while spraying, so it’s best to wait until they’re done before going over for a cuddle if you see your cat pacing around your yard with its tail all wagging.

The rapid wagging of the tail, in conjunction with other tell-tale behavioral indicators, might also indicate whether your cat is stressed.

Your cat can act irritated if it is swaying slowly from side to side. It is advisable to quit doing whatever enraged the cat and give it some space.


Cats are mysterious creatures, making it challenging to understand because they engage in prehistoric behaviors properly.

With these suggestions, I hope you’ll pay attention when your cats speak to you because you now understand how their tail moves.

Although cat tail communication is understood, there is still much to learn about cats and their communication methods that can help people fall in love with them.

The only way you can truly flow with this curious creature is to observe and study them in natural settings.

Spend quality time with your feline companions to learn more about their communication styles and goals. As a result, make an effort to connect with and communicate with your cat.